“Our Travels are about to become your Journeys too.”


A client who is in touch with fragile ecosystems can more likely pass on this knowledge to future generations. That is our belief and our hope.
— LovingJune Travels

It started with Africa.

The minute I get there I become whole-hearted, I go into what I call "HEART-MODE".

I have been traveling since my early teenage years because of my parents: they loved visiting places, explore new countries and often took me with them. As I grew older, they showed me places that were further and further away from home, and since then, the travel never stopped. My father had this theory that trips are worthy to be remembered and for that to happen I needed to be of an age that embraced a certain maturity. I believe he was right.

So I guess I have been moving around since my memory allows me to remember, into countries and continents I need one day to list and count. I also have been going to Africa almost every year for nearly 2 decades. I travel the world quite often, and always go back to this big, warm continent, filled with countries that I drove around, sometimes by car, other times on planes. Regardless, the fascination remains intact. It's that rough, endless-space land, filled with nothing but wilderness and life that soothes and heals me at the same time. It's the silence and the infinite views of those landscapes that made me understand what f r e e d o m really means. Physical and mental freedom. And so I go back often, into countries where I can recharge and connect with myself. 

After working many years in the fashion industry in Spain, Paris and London, I realised that travel was my core passion and that passion was intrinsically connected to a growing concern: wildlife conservation and protecting wilderness areas around the world. Those are the 2 issues that are more close to my heart. Throughout the last years I have sent over many people intro trips (and planned some fashion shoot productions too) and it's my love for these conscious journeys that made me create LovingJune Travels.

In this agency we wish for our clients to experience what my eyes have seen and my heart has felt on many parts of the planet. We wish that each person we plan a trip for, takes our descriptions and replaces them with their own journey in the wilderness. And hopefully our clients will start caring for wildlife conservation while also understanding the importance of preserving and protecting human-inhabited areas in the world. A client who is in touch with those delicate issues and fragile places can, more likely, pass on this knowledge to future generations. That is our belief and dream.


a very special thank you to:

Russel Friedman who nurtured my passion for Africa, allowing to visit it even more, educating me on wildlife conservation and the importance of sustainable tourism. He often called me the Africa Junkie and pushed me to move into this business often, even when I was so unsure of it and so comfortable in my high fashion career. To Bonnie Friedman with whom I keep close contact with and who continued to support the idea of creating my own travel agency. To Sylvie Pons and Andy Egginton who equally allowed me to travel, cared for me and tolerated me being as enthusiastic as them when the topic was safaris and African escapades. To my mum who to this day is my best travel companion, accepting me as I am and gave me the most important life lesson: love, endlessly.



articles wrItTeN about SOME “VOYAGES”: