It goes to no end. If the postcard picture perfect of Africa is what you are after, this is where you need to be. READ MORE BELOW.

Plains and plains and flat views. Animals that spread throughout, to no end and no order. Wildebeest, zebras, antelopes mingling, the occasional giraffes and elephants crossing these landscapes without apparent obligation of direction. In the green season, grass is lush and high sometimes, in the dry season it looks yellow and unwelcoming. Regardless of the time of the year, animals live here and graze all year. It’s also where the action happens during the migration, if you are in luck to catch it. It’s a picture made for poster, an Africa we have all seen on TV. So alive though, when you see it with your own eyes, and such a high when your car or balloon flies over it. A classic: the Serengeti is a classic.

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All pictures published were taken and belong to LovingJune Travels.

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