“Our Travels are about to become your Journeys too.”



We operate based on 3 points that we value and re-think about all the time: our Values, our Service and your Contribution.


Our Values evolve as our knowledge grows based on the travels we do and the things we learn.

OUR travel values

We worry about preserving our planet’s wilderness areas, and the life in it.
The journeys we design are hopefully contributing to keep those vast extensions of land intact and safe for the wild species that live in them. That is the intention behind what we do. Click below for more:

Our Service is focused on the client: it’s flexible, adaptable, surprising, 100% personalized.


We believe that people would rather go on vacations without having to spend time with logistics or making decisions. Instead, they would rather enjoy every moment of the trip, being present, relaxed, restful, knowing that everything is thought of but flexible to daily needs and spontaneous whereabouts. Click below for more:

A client’s Contribution is their footprint impact, the projects they visit and the experiences they have.


Our client’s journeys are contributing to wildlife repopulation in certain parts of the planet, help maintain their territories, and protect their existence, while engaging local population in doing the same. But our clients are also contributing to preserve local communities lands and their traditions intact. Click below for more: