It’s could not get more authentic that coming to such remote areas and stay in farms where people live and still work the land. You feel like you belong, almost like you should go herd cattle with them too. READ MORE BELOW.

Gauchos and their horses, gauchos and their sheep, gauchos and their cows, gauchos and their herding dogs.

Gauchos and their smoking matte around campfire, their hard-skin hands cooking the fresh meat while we all drink some hot wine. You look at them and you want to live here too. Although life in Patagonia is hard: it’s facing the cold, the winds, the long snows, cantering into this immense wilderness for hours on end, counting cattle heads non-stop, making sure no puma comes to kill them. But the thing is: once you spend days with these people and understand that their office is such a wide open spaces, surrounded by mountains, lakes and plains that have no end, it’s hard to imagine them doing anything else. And it’s also hard fo us to ever leave a place like this. Patagonia is not only for big trekking expeditions into the raw wild: Patagonia is also living the life of those who belong here.

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All pictures published were taken and belong to LovingJune Travels.

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